Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Logo
| High-Quality 3-D Logo Hi-Resolution PNG | Scaleable EPS |
| High-Quality 2-D Logo (Use if the shadow on the 3-D version won't render correctly) Hi-Resolution JPEG | Scaleable EPS |
| High-Quality 2-D Logo, Black and White (Use if the shadow on the 3-D version won't render correctly. Use against a light background) Hi-Resolution JPEG | TIF | Scaleable EPS |
| High-Quality 2-D Logo, Black and White, Reverse/Knockout (Use if the shadow on the 3-D version won't render correctly. Use against a dark background) Hi-Resolution PNG | Scaleable EPS |
Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund Logo
| High-Quality 3-D Logo "Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund" trademark is owned by the Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund. Hi-Resolution JPEG | Scaleable EPS | Transparent PNG |
| High-Quality 3-D Logo (Chinese) "Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund" trademark is owned by the Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund. Transparent PNG |
Take Down Tobacco Logo
| PNG with black text on white background | PNG with white text on transparent background |
| PNG with black text on white background | PNG with white text on transparent background |
Basic Logo Use Guidelines:
Resizing the logo: You may resize the logo to suit your needs. However, the Tobacco-Free Kids logo needs to be large enough so that the printed text is legible and the registered trademark symbol (the "R-ball" or ®) is recognizable.
Altering the logo: As the owners of these trademarks, we ask that you do not:
- Distort the proportions of the logo.
- Change any of the colors
- Incorporate the logo as part of another graphic or another logo
- Make it part of a design element in a manner that hides the logo
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids logo is a registered trademark of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. All other marks on this page are also owned by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids unless noted otherwise.
We are making this logo page available as a convenience for our partners. Any use of any Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids materials on this website by any member of the tobacco industry or by any entity representing any member of the tobacco industry requires prior written approval from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Get more information about our protected trademarks.
Features of Standard Elements:
Tobacco-Free Kids Red:

- RGB:#ED2024.
- CMYK: 1:98:98:0
- Pantone 485C
Tobacco-Free Kids Primary Palette
(Including GHAI Orange)

Tobacco-Free Kids Basic Palette for Data Charts/Tables


Tobacco-Free Kids Extended Palette for Data Charts/Tables


Preferred Typeface Families for
- Headers & Subheaders: Poppins
- Body Text: Figtree